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Meet The Team


Zhada M. Stamps

Founder, Executive Chairwoman

My name is Zhada M. Stamps and I am the Founder and Executive Chairwoman of Reach From The Roots. In May of 2021, I became an alumna of William Paterson University; having majored in Africana World Studies and minored Social Justice and Sociology. For as long as I can remember, I have been concerned for the hearts, minds, and bodies of my community members. Through all the concern and disturbing visuals , I never lost hope. I built Reach From The Roots to serve as a source of necessary services but also a source of bottomless hope for my community. I have always loved my city, Paterson, NJ- and I will never stop highlighting our magic and encouraging individuals to do the same.

My superpower is being able to turn the feelings and experiences of my community members into planned service projects and initiatives built on genuine love and support.

One of my favorite quotes is, "When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else." - Iyanla Vanzant


Winter A. Iverson

Executive Vice Chairwoman

Hello everyone! My name is Winter Iverson and I am the Executive Vice Chairwoman of Reach From the Roots. I graduated from Montclair State University in May of 2020 earning my Bachelor of Arts degree. I am currently pursuing my Masters degree in Special Education at Montclair State University. I am from Yonkers, NY, but lived in New Jersey for a majority of my life. Having such a connection to New Jersey I was inspired to become a part of Reach From the Roots and get back into New Jersey to help the communities within it. I serve because it is imperative to help each other out as much as we can with as many resources as possible, even if it’s 55 and raining, or it’s Christmas Eve, I am proud to say that this holds true as Reach From the Roots is relentlessly present for our community. My power comes in the form of empathy and connection with my community and I show this through random acts of kindness, holding candid conversations and ensuring that my community is cared for and feels loved.


“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” - Edgar Degas. The art of community service allows the community to see that they have an extended family by the name of Reach From the Roots.

Keiana D. Curry

Executive Vice Chairwoman (II)

My name is Keiana Curry and I am the Volunteer Services Coordinator for this amazing community organization. I graduated from Kean University in the summer of 2021 with my Bachelors in Psychology. Being from Paterson, NJ I realized that if we don’t nurture and pour into our own community, no one will. All of us together are the key to rebuilding and shaping our communities into ones we can be proud of. It takes us having a listening ear, an open mind, and a loving heart to finally create a harmony between those in need and those who have enough to give. I believe that is something Reach From the Roots has created consistently. HARMONY. That is what drew me to join this organization.


My power is the ability to not only see the world for what it is, but to also see what it could be. 


A quote that I love is “ The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” - Alice Walker. We all have been the power to make a difference- we just need to encourage ourselves to do so.


Ayzha R. Thomas

Community Outreach Coordinator

My name is Ayzha Thomas and I am the Community Specialist for this amazing organization! I graduated in 2019 from Rutgers University with my Bachelors in Media Communications. I believe in being the change that I wish to see in this world. In a nutshell, that is why I am here. What’s most important to me is for people in the world who look like me, who are experiencing poverty, and battling homelessness to know that they have someone who is here for them. I am here to encourage, to be a helping hand where I can, and most importantly to lead with love. I am serving because it is a part of my purpose here- I am on earth to be a light where there is darkness. Through my actions and commitment to the organization, you will always be able to see my heart's mission. My deepest and most direct area of impact includes single women and troubled youth. 

My favorite quote is a scripture, "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." - Romans 12:9-10 (NIV)

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